

    When is the last time you heard about the price of electricity going down? If ever, you don’t hear it often. As a rule, if the cost of electricity changes, it’s going up. And it’s taking your electric bill up with it. With the California Home Solar, you can insulate yourself from the rising cost of electricity by installing the most cost effective solar panels available.


    What is your carbon footprint? Even the electricity you purchase from a utility adds to your carbon footprint. With solar panels from California Home Solar, you have no emissions – your carbon footprint is clean.


    With California Home Solar, you’re at the cutting edge of clean and renewable energy. We have the most highly trained solar power technicians in the LA region. We constantly stay abreast of the latest advancements in the field of the solar power industry. This allows us to ensure that you have the most cost effective clean energy products available, and the comfort of knowing they’re properly installed for maximum efficiency.

State & Federal Solar Energy Incentives

Solar powered energy is a great way to take control of your energy rather than continuing to depend on massive and impersonal utility companies. It’s such a good idea that it’s supported by State of LA rebates and grants of from 25 to 40%. This includes:

Federal Renewable Energy Tax Credit: this is a 30% Incentive from the Federal Government for solar, geothermal, wind and other renewable energy installations.

Government, Not for Profit and School Incentive: This is a 40% LA Grant Program that benefits local governments, nonprofit organizations and schools that use solar, thermal, wind and other renewable energy solutions.

Renewable Energy Credit Program (REC): This is a State of LA Solar Renewable Credit Program that is available to commercial, industrial, local government, nonprofits, residential, state, federal and agricultural entities.

These programs are not all open ended; they have expiration dates. Please, check with us for more information and to ensure you meet all requirements of the renewable energy grants or tax credits and that your installation is done in time.

UL Certified to the highest standards of the solar industry

No one in the LA region is more qualified than the solar energy technicians with California Home Solar. Don’t be fooled by exaggerated claims from fly-by-night imposters. We specialize in the installation of solar panels and solar products. Our technicians are factory trained and UL Certified.

There are only slightly more than 100 solar technicians in the entire country with the UL Certification. Extremely difficult to attain, a UL Certification requires a minimum of five years experience as an electrician and another five years with solar installations.

Give us a call for more information about the latest in solar technology – (818) 495-0014 .